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Targeting starts from the ground up

DTC marketing

“If you’re selling to everyone, you’re selling to no one” is one of my favorite quotes. If you’re trying to make your product appeal to everyone, it becomes less appealing to anyone specific.

This is crucial for any brand, especially when running paid ads. Knowing who to target can make your campaign much more efficient and yield a better return. But it goes beyond the paid ads.

A brand should be built for a very specific set of people. And this should be communicated through all the mediums a brand can use; social media content, ads, emails, websites, everything.

e-commerce marketing

Let’s say you’re selling a product made for people at age 40+ women and men. Now, in your ad campaigns, you can target this demographic. It’s easy. But, does your ad creative actually target these people? Do your IG and TikTok content target these people? Is your website actually built for these people?

You see, targeting happens on many levels. Just letting the ad platforms know that you’re going after a specific group of people is not enough. You should let everyone know that your brand is for a specific group of people with everything you show.

Even with the little things like the website’s text size to the models in your product photos, your focus should be on your target audience.

Targeting starts from the ground up.

Your target audience should be a compass to what kind of brand to build, what style of content to put out, what kinds of ads to run.

It’s about making your audience feel that the entire brand and all its products were created just for them.

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